Classification and Types of Machine Tools

The Global Machine Tool Market growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% over the projection period from 2023 to 2031.

· Industrial and Heavy Machinery

A machine tool is a device used to make or shape metal or other material pieces. It is also known as a working machine or tool machine. Drilling apparatus, lathes, shapers and planers, milling apparatus, power saws, and grinders are a few examples of machine tools that manufacture parts by removing metal chips from a workpiece.

Punch presses are used for cold shaping metal components like kitchenware, car bodywork, and other similar goods, whereas forging presses are used for hot forming white-hot blanks into precisely shaped dies.

According to a research report by Astute Analytica, the Global Machine Tool Market growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% over the projection period from 2023 to 2031.

Machine Tool Parts
The machine tool is made up of various distinct parts, each of which serves a specific purpose. The base or bed, worktable, headstock, machine column, machine tool, saddle, foundation or channel, etc. are some examples of these parts.

Base or Bed: It serves as a base or bed for supporting other components. The moving plate, head block, compound knife block, tailstock, and other components on the bed are supported by the base.

Worktable: The workpiece is supported by the worktable. It is an adjustable bed with a horizontally movable saddle.

Machine Column: To enhance the structure of huge machines, bones are inserted into the machine column. Its purpose is to guide the head base.

Headstock: The machine’s headstock can rotate the workpiece or move and provide the cutting tool.

Machine Tools Types 
The name of the machine tool is based on the combined unit’s construction. Lathes, horizontal boring mills, sharpeners and planers, milling machines, vertical lathes, cylindrical grinders, floor-type milling & boring mills, multi-spindle drilling mills, bench drilling mills, moving crossbeam machining centers, etc. are types of machine tools.

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Machine tool production capability-based classifications

Production Machine Tools: It is utilized for manufacturing and is marginally more productive than general-purpose machine tools.

Single Purpose Machine Tool: They are utilized in extremely automated production processes with high production rates. They are not very adaptable.

General Purpose Machine Tools: They are practically applicable to any application, but their production speed is relatively slow.

Classification based on cutting in machine Tools

Multiple points cutting Tools: They have many cutting edges, such as those on drills, milling cutters, hacksaws, and other tools.

Single point cutting tools: A tool used in turning on a lathe only has one cutting edge. If the user compares it to multi-point cutting tools, the user can see how tough it is to understand.

Original Source:- Machine Tools Market